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12-2020 - A Lot of Super Talents

Wiebke Brüssel

April, 2020

This month it was hard to find something suitable for my column. Normally, I always write about strategic issues. But we companies can only think about this if the business is running reasonably well.


Now, many are fighting for daily survival. The head is not free to contemplate the future. After the crisis, all concerned will certainly think about how they can make their companies future-proof and more resilient. We have already received initial enquiries on this; From this I conclude that it will be an important issue after Corona. But right now (yet) not.


In the search for a topic for this difficult time, I noticed something about myself that perhaps many and especially small entrepreneurs themselves notice: In this unbelievable exceptional situation, we suddenly discover new or buried talents.


In the last of my columns, I had already reported about companies that do something different than usual and can perhaps save themselves with it. In the meantime, many other examples have been added. The basis for this is the discovery of what we can actually do outside of our daily business. Knowing one's own strengths is an important part of a strategic process. And especially in times of crisis, we get to know ourselves particularly well.


It has been a few years since I dealt with these matters on my own behalf. At that time, we wanted to leave the company, but we did not know whether our knowledge and talents were sufficient to start our own business. So, we set a timer to 30 minutes. Then everyone wrote a list for themselves and listed everything – really everything – that we could do well. At first, we thought there was not much going to come out of it, but then we were surprised how many talents and talents can be discovered if you think about it specifically. Much of this has been of great benefit to us in the years that followed, and even now we can fall back on it again and again.


If you have not been looking for your talents yet and now it is time to do so, I can only recommend that. You can do it like we did back then – set a time limit and write down everything that comes to mind. After that, the list can be supplemented again and again with new ideas. Ask others in your area what special talents they perceive with you. This can also be done by phone or Skype. If you then compare your previous business model with the resulting list, you may find completely new possibilities and business ideas.


Of course, there are many more talents and skills for larger companies than we do both in the strategy office. You can draw from the full because all employees bring a large fund. With the help of this knowledge, a good plan can then be developed to make the company more resilient to crises. It is also an important first step in building our own knowledge management. If you like, we will be happy to support you.


I hope that with the knowledge of your very personal super talents you may even be able to set off to completely new shores.


Editorial Notes


About the Author


Wiebke Brüssel is a graduate in business administration and managing partner of Strategiebüro Nord (Strategy Office North) in Germany.


Strategiebüro Nord works for companies and organizations in the private, social, and public sector, for founders and for companies at the beginning of their development.


Our focus is on individual challenges and questions that often arise from the trends of our time. We take up the planning and the team-oriented strategic moderation to find good solutions. The result of our work are strategic concepts that ensure long-term success.


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Strategiebüro Nord (Strategy Office North) is registered in the Lobby Register of the German Bundestag (German Government) under the account number K4126147.




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